Perch "The Thoughtful Pause Podcast"

We were featured on Kevin Price's 'Price of Business' radio show! Listen to the feature here!

Kevin Price and the Price of Business Episode 23

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Perch was featured on the nationally syndicated 'The Price of Business' radio show in the thought leaders series! 

Thank you to the host, Kevin Price, and US Daily Review for the highlight!

The feature is posted on Daily Telegraph USA and SoundCloud; listen here! 

Let's all keep searching to expand our view!

Speaker 1:

I'm Kevin Price, host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show. The Price of Business is in radio markets coast to coast, as well as on the largest web platforms. Our guests include New York Times bestselling authors, major media personalities, billionaires and more. Welcome to our series called Thought Leaders, where we went out and found some of the most interesting people with the best stories about business, culture, technology and more. Here's another in that ongoing series.

Speaker 2:

In a time where our country, daresay our world, has become so divided and divisive and forces including social, religious and geopolitical issues work to divide us, it's important to take a moment to Perch.

Speaker 3:

My name is Tricia.

Speaker 2:

And mine is Toby, and we welcome you to our Perch.

Speaker 3:

Perch is a place, perch is a way of thinking and, most importantly, perch is a view of perspective that allows you to see things from a higher ground. Perch is also an acronym. It stands for pause, evaluate responses to circumvent harm. It is more than just a catchy phrase. It is a way to see the world we live in through the lens of others and to acknowledge and perhaps even appreciate the way they view things we believe much like in life. The higher you climb the hill, the better the view is down below. We should all strive to reach the highest Perch possible so that we can view our world and others in the light that provides understanding, compassion and tolerance.

Speaker 3:

Like me, for example, I grew up on the west side of Chicago's inner city. My grandparents, aunts and uncles live next door. I grew up at a time when community was community. There weren't any strangers on our block. We all played outside until the street lights came on. We have block parties and family reunions every year. Throughout my adult life and career, I've always had one foot in corporate America and the other foot in entrepreneurial endeavors. Thirty years in corporate logistics and an equal amount of time as a business owner. I lived in six states and I lost count of the number of cities.

Speaker 2:

My story is completely different from Trisha's. I grew up in a rural area 90 minutes north of New York City, but light years away from the life of a city. The town where I lived had one traffic light, one grocery store and everyone in town showed up to celebrate when they opened a fire station. It was rural America and I was raised on the values of a small northeastern town. Most people didn't lock their cars, much less their houses. Sure, it was a different time, but it was also a different place and many of the values and thoughts around the country and the world I formed during this time. At the age of six, my family moved to France for two years and I was immersed in a culture vastly different from the Hudson Valley, but it helped to shape my values and cultures and understanding those that are different than ours. I consider myself financially conservative but socially moderate, and a staunch supporter of an individual's rights, against any government or external organization's outreach into those rights.

Speaker 3:

As a couple from different worlds, races and ideas, we seek to find common ground. Our podcast is about just that Tackling some thorny topics as faith, religion, rage, wage disparity, mental health, and we also take lighter moments to discuss participation, trophies, reality TV and other social issues of our time. The dialogue is real, sometimes heavy, but in the end we find a way to disagree without being disagreeable.

Speaker 2:

Please join us on the Perch and take time to look at the world around you from higher ground.

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