Perch "The Thoughtful Pause Podcast"

Unlocking Your Spiritual Destiny: Monica Bey's Journey from Finance to Metaphysical Healing

Tree & Toby Monica Bey Episode 28

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Have you ever felt the unmistakable pull towards a destiny that differs from the path you're currently on? Monica Bey's life story is a vivid testament to this phenomenon, taking her from the high-pressure world of finance to the realms of metaphysical healing and spiritual teaching. Through her narrative, we uncover the courage required to transition from the visible ladder of corporate success to the less-charted waters of innate spiritual gifts. Our conversation is an intimate voyage through Monica's early encounters with spirits, her struggle with a near-debilitating health crisis, and her subsequent embrace of a profound healing journey.

Let's all keep searching to expand our view!

Speaker 1:

I would say good day Perch people. We have an awesome guest, as always Monica Bay. She has done so much. I'm really going to try to abbreviate it and I'm going to let her fill in the blanks that whatever gaps I leave out. But, Monica, welcome to the Perch. How are you?

Speaker 2:

Thank you. I'm wonderful. Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

I am excited to be here as well. Before we get started, perch family, I'll give you a little of Monica background. So for 13 years she worked for the same company. She had a lucrative career at a finance company where she swiftly worked her way up the corporate ladder title became the vice president. She even got a chance to ring the bell. That's so cool. I want to talk about that. On NASDAQ, I saw your picture up in Times Square. That was awesome, so proud. I didn't even know you. I'm proud of you because I know what goes behind it. Oh, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Then for two years you had health issues. Believe it or not, we have a lot in common in this area and I'll share more too. And then I want your body to begin to break down. You end up partially and temporarily paralyzed in both your hands and legs, but through a series of divine events and I'll let you extrapolate on that and what that means you eventually realize it was bought on by stress and overworking yourself, that I literally came to the same conclusion right after seeing it, like doctor number six or seven, when they were cut ready to cut on me, I was like well, let me do some of my own work on me. And then from that you decided life change and corrective course. You became an international metaphysical healer and spiritual teacher, certified as insular biology from Harvard. That just makes my head hurt. I don't even know Augustine Psychic, medium metaphysics expert business. I can go on and on and on. But again, monica, you are amazing. Welcome and thank you for this day.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. That was a great introduction.

Speaker 1:

I feel bad when people have done so much to reduce them down to a couple. But you know, sometimes it's hard, but you got to do what you got to do Right. Absolutely, Monica. You should also know you have the name of one of my favorite people in the world. My older sister name is Monica.

Speaker 2:

So okay, she must be really intelligent.

Speaker 1:

She's something I'll go say.

Speaker 2:

Well, hi, Monica.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. So this journey of yours, where would you like to? It's so much, it's such an awesome story.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, it's so much. Well, I guess I'll just start in the beginning, the beginning of, in terms of, like, my career and my trajectory now. Well, really, the beginning starts when I was a young child and I realized that I could see spirits and I also realized I had healing ability, but I didn't understand what that was, how young were you when you realized you can see spirits as far back as I can remember. I don't remember a time where I wasn't able to see spirits Now as soon as I was able to be conscious, so you say see spirits, you're just there.

Speaker 1:

And because we I think everyone have seen movies where you know people realize that they like don't you? Are you not seeing what I'm seeing? Was it how? How did that manifest itself for you?

Speaker 2:

Well, sometimes they would bother me in my sleep. Other times I would literally see them with my naked eye or perceive them with my third eye. So I've lived in multiple haunted houses and the reality is a lot of houses are haunted. People don't know because they don't see the spirits.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't wanna know. I would say that too. I was like, if you're here, please be nice yeah most years are harmless.

Speaker 2:

Most of them are harmless. But then every once in a while you get some that excuse me my eye, some that like to harass you or bother you or be mischievous, and so I did have some very dark spirits in my childhood home in I don't believe they were always in the house, but they would come to visit very often when I was living in Minnesota, when I was very, very young. I was born in Minnesota and left when I was eight, so somewhere between that time and there was a period of time where I would just have these nightmares. All the time I knew it was the spirits that were creating the nightmares and they were just very dark, shadowy figures and I'm the type of person. So I'm a Virgo, I'm a.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But are you serious? I love Virgo, I love Virgo. So I'm a Virgo. I'm a Virgo, but I'm a Sagittarius rising and if anyone knows anything about Sagittarius it's a fire sign. The funny thing is my whole entire life I've been a lot more fire than like grounded in earth like a Virgo. So with that kind of fire energy I was never afraid of anything. I was just like, okay, you wanna mess with me, kind of thing, even with the spirits.

Speaker 2:

But of course, when I was really, really young I didn't understand my power. I didn't understand anything. When I became a teenager, that's when I really understood my power with spirits to communicate with them, to actually receive information, and then I realized my power over them, that I'm in control, they're not in control, and been able to do a whole lot. I've discovered a whole lot of gifts around working with spirits and just the spirit realm Not only spirits of the dead, where we think of spirits we're thinking of like people who have died and their spirits are hanging around. Also spirit guides, guardian angels, other higher level beings. Once you have the gift of mediumship, that really expands beyond what most people think that it does, because once you are able to see any kind of spiritual body. You can see other spiritual bodies as well.

Speaker 1:

So let me ask you this question so that I think, because of your gifts, some people think that that's not a normal gift, Like having those, and I, just because I followed you a little, I know how you feel about that. But what I really wanna say and I guess for me what I'm getting from this is having that kind of clarity at such a young age about your connection to your spirit and the spiritual beings around you. How did corporate get into this equation? Why wasn't that your natural path?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's funny because I love that you use the word natural, because that was my natural path. But then I got.

Speaker 2:

I interrupted myself. So what happened was what happened was I've always this is the virtual side of me I've always been a go-getter. I've always been very motivated and driven toward goals and things like that. And so when I was in high school, I said okay, I either want to. I knew I wanted to help people. That came very natural to me. I knew I wanted to help people, so I wanted to either be a lawyer or a psychologist. But it's funny because I have two sisters, but one of them also had the same two things on the table. She was gonna be a lawyer or a psychologist. She chose psychology, I chose law and I was actually gonna move.

Speaker 2:

I was actually going to go to a school actually headed towards law school, and then I was a broke college student, so I needed some money. So I got a job at this company, this finance company, working at the bottom of the company as a debt collector. Okay, and I was just doing that while I was in college. I wasn't planning on staying, I didn't foresee any of this, but I started rising in the company so fast. Eight months there, I was promoted to supervisor. A month later I was promoted to manager.

Speaker 2:

Next thing I know that that following year, I was a director of operations and had many departments under me, and then it just kept going from there, and by the time I left, 13 years later, I was pretty much running the entire company, starting new ventures and everything. So it turns out I had an act for business that I didn't know that I had prior to that, but what happened was I ended up not going to law school because I was like, well, I'm already making money more money than I would if I went to law school and then came out fresh. So I said you know what, I'm gonna stick with this, because this is clearly my path right now. So then I started focusing on money and success, and because when I'm driven, I'm driven, and that was all I focused on, though. So everything else my spirituality, my gifts they all went to the side.

Speaker 1:

You know, it's kinda scary. If I had hair on my arms, I think it would stand up, and I don't know if it's because the spirit, I don't know if it's the Virgo, I don't know. But when I tell you that that was my story, almost kinda down to the letter, when I looked up and I was driven and I was making so much money and I was like, well, why do this? And you know, for me in university, when I was over here, but I do have to ask you this question, cause hindsight is 2020, as they say, but what was your spirit? Were you so? So let me think about this and how to, because I'm now starting to say, when I was on that path, was my spirit whispering to me that I was on or off course, and I was so driven by being the best at this that I got disconnected from where it was trying to take me to go, or how did that manifest? Or if it manifests for you at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's a great question. So for me I would say, definitely, my spirit was present like hello, tap it on my shoulder. Hello, you need to cause. I had a lot of desires to oh, I need to get back into this, I need to get back into that, but I just take focus on the money and success. But at the same time, my perspective is a little different. I don't feel that I was beard off course. I think I was actually on course, because everything that I have done since, you know, I healed myself from paralysis and everything everything that I have done since then, has piggybacked on the skills and the knowledge that I learned while in this company. So it built me into the business mogul that I am. It really gave me a lot of experience. And then also, had I not had my body break down on me and had I not had the paralysis and not had to heal myself, I don't know where, I don't know if my journey would have been the same, because that's really what sparks this journey that I'm on now.

Speaker 1:

That's what I kind of figured, but I didn't want to lead you into that, but that's what I figured and I think it's important for people to hear, because a lot of time and you've heard this, and I'm pretty sure everyone of a certain age have had a conversation with family or friends and they say you know well, if I like they got off course, you know like well if I would have stuck to this, if I would have followed this and I was like, well, could it be because now I know, just like you, I needed all of these things.

Speaker 1:

I'm everything right, those breadcrumbs. I needed all of that to be the person that I'm created to be today. And it doesn't mean that I was so off track and because I know for me personally, my spirit was and spirituality was so strong at the beginning. It was so strong and I was like, oh my God, I'm like on fire, like I literally will walk past people like you and they'll stop me like total strength and say, you know, I have a word for you or something to tell you, and that was such a normal thing and I knew it wasn't normal for other people, but that was my experiences.

Speaker 1:

And then I stopped feeling that connection as strongly so for me. I told myself that I was disconnected, and I think that's what people believe. But I was just on another journey and I needed to have all of these things along the way. So I'm glad you said that, I'm glad we call it out, because people think sometimes well, I'm so disconnected that there's no way. I'm like well, that's the story you tell yourself, and what you tell yourself is what you manifest.

Speaker 2:

That's your reality, that becomes your reality, and I always tell people I'm the type of person I've done so many things in life. I have lived. Okay, I'm 45 years old and I have lived, lived and I have no regrets from anything that I've done, because I have lived and I believe life is meant to be lived, not endured. And so when you feel like you're off path, a lot of times you're not off path, you're actually on path. You're usually exactly where you're supposed to be. Sometimes, of course, yes, we have free will and sometimes we can make a decision that will lead us to more suffering than we would have if we had made a different decision. But there's lessons in everything and there's a purpose in everything. There's even a purpose in our suffering. If we react to that suffering properly, there's an opportunity there for a immense amount of growth.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, absolutely Well. With that being said, along your journey originally and I'm gonna say this because I sent this to you off camera originally I did wanna talk and my takeaway for the day is to try to help people find their baggage. I have met and I'm pretty sure this is because this is your line of work when you meet people. Sometimes people have lived with pain for so long. They become anesthetized and they don't even realize what they carry. They think that that's normal. So, for people who are on this journey of health and healing, as you were able to do, how do we begin to have conversations with people to even start getting clarity, start cleaning up some of the emotional baggage, even recognize it, because they've been carrying it so long that they think that that's normal?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I don't think it has actually anything to do with a conversation with other people. I think it's a conversation that people need to have with themselves. I think people need to dive in and I'm not sure if I misunderstood what you meant by that conversation with people. You mean for us speaking to people?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, speaking like especially when you are a spiritual person, when you're a person that just show up in spirit, you can see. Things are awful, people that they don't even see in themselves sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I see what you're saying, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so sometimes I've had one particular friend. I had to show him that he was living with PTSD and didn't know it. It was like this is not. I had to kind of call it out. So I said maybe this is something you want to look at. And when we tell people to do their work and that's a common saying do their work, people don't know what that means, yeah, what work, what work, Right?

Speaker 2:

well, that's why I started Mystic University. This is literally what I teach my students is how to tap into themselves, how to heal themselves, because I'm a healer and I can heal people in seconds because I went through so much, so I was patient zero, so I can heal just about anything very quickly. But I think there's more power in teaching someone how to fish than fishing for them. So I started Mystic University to give people that empowerment, to teach them how to actually tap into themselves, to find out what, what gifts they currently have to, because we're on a spiritual journey and that spiritual realization is very important to our journey While we're still in this physical plane. I believe in duality being a physical being and having fun in this physical land, but also being a spiritual being and taking that seriously as well, and and so it's really education, it's really people need to be aware that these things are real, that you can actually yield yourself. I'm going to give you a little story to what actually made me start to heal myself when I was in paralysis. That will go along with what we're talking about right now and why it's important for people to tell their stories. So when I was down and out on pregnant zone, I had gotten to 200 and something pounds I was, and I was tiny before this. So pregnant zone, you know, blows you up. They had me on all these medications. They told me I had MS, they told me I had lupus, they told me I had fibromyalgia, you name it. They threw everything at me arthritis, and nothing was working, though, and all the only thing that was helping a little was the pregnant zone, but it wasn't really helping that much. And so when I finally, I was talking to my sister one time, who was already a psychologist at that point, and she said she said, well, if the doctors are doing tests and everything's coming back normal, what if it's something they can't see? What if it's stress? And I was like what? And so at the time I didn't realize what stress can do to the body. So I then did my research, and back then there was we didn't really have social media or anything. It was like it wasn't that easy to find stuff, All you, I think I don't even know if Google was around back then. I think it was, but anyway, I'm aging myself. So I had to do my research somehow. However, I did it and I realized, oh okay, yeah, this is a thing. So it was that coupled with I was watching 2020, which I never watched.

Speaker 2:

I was watching an episode of 2020. And there was this girl on there who had MS and I perked up because at the time the doctors were saying that's what they think it is. So I perked up and I'm watching, and she was talking about how the doctors told us she was never going to walk again. Then, next thing, you know, you see her running a marathon and they asked her what was it that? What was the thing that really kept you going and that allowed you to defeat this? Because you know, people with MS they pretend to end up in a wheelchair and she simply said I just decided not to give into it, I refuse to give into it. And so those two things together really shifted my mind and ripped me out of the matrix at that point and I was like whoa, wait a minute. I was like I just woke up and I was like why have I been letting my body control me when I'm supposed to be controlling it? And then that's when everything shifted.

Speaker 2:

So to your question on the conversations that we need to have with people.

Speaker 2:

I think obviously, individual conversations are also great, but I think there needs to be a mass education, which is what I am tasked with, with being a part of. There's other people doing it as well but a mass education toward two everyday people, letting them know how their bodies actually work. Unfortunately, Western science when we call Eastern science and energy science alternative medicine, but we call Western science real medicine it's the opposite. It really is. It really is because Western medicine is the alternative because it doesn't actually correct and cure and fix things at their root. It puts band-aids on things.

Speaker 2:

When you work with energy and you work with and you really understand how our energy system works. That's how I healed myself. It wasn't through anything physical. I healed myself completely through energy work and diving in and really understanding how that works. So I think that there needs to be a mass education because a lot of people this is, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all, but I will say this this has been kept out of mainstream on purpose. It really has and there's the average everyday person has no idea that energy causes your cells to do these things. It's energy that causes all this stuff to happen.

Speaker 1:

And so because you shared it earlier, so I'm gonna say it now. You are currently in Mexico, so do you find it's more your methodology and the way you approach the body and medicine? Is it more acceptable in Mexico than in here? It is here. It's definitely, and even the doctors here.

Speaker 2:

Even the doctors here are more open to that. I went to a doctor to get a checkup and told them like what? Because I still believe in what I believe in.

Speaker 2:

Western medicine. I believe in both, but I'm just saying I definitely lean more towards natural medicine versus Western medicine. Western medicine to me is last resort. Like I said, to me that's alternative medicine. But when I went to just get a regular checkup, he found out what I did. He starts asking me questions about okay, have you done, are you doing healing work on yourself? And have you been doing this and that? And no doctor would ever in the US would ever ask you that.

Speaker 1:

That's true. And one other thing I want to highlight and I hope people take away from it, and I'm going to share my experience that's similar to yours. I was going through the exact same thing. My body was completely shut down and at the time, yours was. I think you mentioned like 2020, I wanted those programs you just mentioned and mine, was.

Speaker 1:

Cher had a movie that was out called Mask and her son in there had this condition and he looked like his face, like a mask called Sclerodermia. I was diagnosed with Sclerodermia and I remember making that connection like you, kind of like wow, this is what it cause. Again, there was no Google, no place to go, no quick study. I was like I don't look like him and I remember after they diagnosed me and it was the arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis I did a whole plethora of diagnoses.

Speaker 1:

But I remember seeing that movie going back to my doctor. First of all, for whatever reason, I just and not that I'm against medicine, because I'm not what they told me never landed on my spirit, like it just never seemed right. I just like that. I'm like, okay, I hear you and they thought I was denying it. Well, cut to, saw the movie, I'm like I definitely don't look. And they say, well, you're looking at it because he has an external and you have the internal. So he's showing it in his physical state and internally your organs are shutting down, just like his.

Speaker 1:

He was drinking through a straw, was drinking through a straw, he couldn't do the same thing. So, okay, and then I remember in that moment again my spirit having clarity. This is when, and then I was having some neurological issues and they want to cut in my head. I said wait, wait, wait. Right now I'm on my sixth specialist before I go. I said in that moment I said let me work on me, let me just get some of this stress. So I was under a lot going through before that and having all the diagnosis didn't help and sometimes they just let me check back in with me.

Speaker 1:

If I just check back in with me and I promise you, once I check back in with me and get the stress off me, if I got to do what I got to do, I'll do that and immediately things start turning around. And so, for my greater takeaway and sharing you're sharing your experience I want it for someone else to hear that I think it's important, no matter what we do and this is not an anti, this is not even a conversation about doctors, this is a conversation about spirit and say, before we do anything, I don't care, anything major that's a surgery, divorce, anything that's going to be a life changing we need to really check in and say have I done my internal work?

Speaker 1:

Am I whole? Do I have clarity? Have I taken some of this emotional baggage, mental baggage off so I can be clear to see further? And I just hope that's what people get from this conversation, because we all need to do a check in and I don't know why we take that for granted.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I always say people should. They need to practice their spiritual hygiene. Just like you brush your teeth every day, hopefully, and take a shower every day, hopefully, you also need to check in with your spirit, because a lot of times if we don't do those check-ins, next thing you know two months go by and we're a hot mess. And we could have caught that two months ago, when the hot mess was starting to brew.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you said that because I live in a space of simplicity. I got that. It's so easy for you to get that with the hygiene, just like your teeth. But then the first thing that came to my spirit when you said that, well, that's something we teach children, you know from birth pretty much.

Speaker 1:

You come here with some of the get teeth. We teach them how to take care of the teeth where we weren't taught to take care of our spirit. So how does someone checking in on a spiritual hygiene? Even that concept sounds foreign, that's not something we go out with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I mean, here's the thing. Like a lot of people, they really just need to understand the effects that this, that that practicing spiritual hygiene will have on you, because if you don't understand the why, then you're not compelled to do it. So the why is I use a white t-shirt. Analogy If you wear the same white t-shirt every day for 50 years without washing it, without taking it off, how nasty is that t-shirt going to be? Pretty nasty, right? That is your energy system. If you never cleanse your energy system, you never release the things that you're holding on to. And I'm talking about the actual energy. Because the thing is, you can, you can in your mind, say I'm going to let this go, but if you didn't release that energy, you didn't let anything go, you just ignored it.

Speaker 1:

But, monica, using your same analogy, I think the most people you know came here with a black t-shirt and so they've been living because it's there but you can't see it. So how do I know what to clean? You know things get funky after a while and of course you have to wash it, but how do I know? I can't see all those things because it's not a white shirt. People can't see they're broken, it's. People can't see they're pain. People can't see you know, their childhood wounds. Even People can't see these things because they haven't had the spiritual lens to look through.

Speaker 2:

Right. And so, for people who have a hard time doing that one, I believe in teaching people how to do it themselves. But hey, if you can't figure it out, go to someone who knows and who can look into you and tell you what's going on. And also, the key to everything when it comes to connecting with yourself is meditation, and for people who are afraid of meditation but they're not afraid of prayer, it's literally the same thing. You can call it whatever you want, as long as you do it. Literally, when you are in prayer, you are accessing your theta brain waves, the same exact theta brain waves that you're accessing in meditation. I'm a hypnotist, I know.

Speaker 1:

And I never understood that. Growing up in a religious household and from found, I never understood why. Why do we get stuck on what I think personally? I'm just going to say and I know people are not going to like me, it's trivial, you know, it's a naming game, you know. So you can say pray, but the minute you say meditation, people see it as evil. Yes, people see it as animal. It's still about your soul, it's still about your spirit, it's still about your home. I literally have had people I was really disappointed with someone as close to me that just when I said meditation she lost her mind and I'm not going to go into the ridiculous conversation I had about it and I was like why? And I don't understand that prayer?

Speaker 2:

It's an indoctrination. Yeah, it's an indoctrination, and it's media, it's everything. It's, unfortunately, it's the church, it's a lot that will tell people. I'm a hypnotist and I have people who are afraid of being hypnotized because they heard that it's evil. And I'm like, first of all, who do you think gave you a subconscious mind? If you believe in God, who gave it to you, Like I was an evil, to access it? It doesn't make sense. But what people do is they hear things. They hear things from people that they trust. They allow those things to be embodied within them without questioning and then they regurgitate them. And then everyone's just regurgitating information. And next thing, you know, I always say lies over time become truth, because that's literally what happens. And so we have to uneducate people, un indoctrinate people in order for them to see the truth behind all this stuff. Because guess what Do you think Jesus did meditate, but it's funny and I know we're going to have to cover it.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we're just getting into this. We haven't even scratched the surface, and Phil is already giving me the five to wrap it up. So, before I wrap it up, though, I do want to touch on one thing that you said, that stuck with me. Because you said because they are hearing things and believing things from people, and before I leave here, I was like the same people. I say to them all the time but what is your spirit saying?

Speaker 2:

Not what you heard, not what you've been taught.

Speaker 1:

What is it? Because it's there and I recently I did another podcast and for me, what I equated to for whatever reason, I laid down and maybe it's a mom because I had two kids, but I call my spirituality my bellicose court. You know, it's that thing that connects me to the divine, it's that thing that nourishes me, it's that thing that you know. And so, checking in with that and to say, okay, I know what I'm hearing because I've been in church and my great grandfather was a pastor and it's plenty of my family, I don't dismiss anyone, but what I do, I am driven by my spirit and check in and say, okay, but what is this here to teach me? What are you trying to tell me? What are I?

Speaker 2:

because I need to get past the noise sometimes and get clarity, so right, and here's the problem with people being able to do what you just said and that's something I always help people to do too. I say spirit check, do some spirit testing, ask a question, tune into your spirit and see what happens in your energy system. It'll give you a yes or a no very easily. And but here's the problem that people are so disconnected from their spirit and I don't want to seem like I am in any way religion bashing, because I'm not, but it is a problem that how people are. I think one of the problems is people are taught to the way people are taught to pray.

Speaker 2:

Okay, there are many ways that you can pray and I have a lot of Christian clients and I have to reprogram their minds on these types of things, because how we're usually taught to pray, especially the child we're in prayer and we're just asking for things all the time. Right, we're just asking for things. Asking for things, asking for things. Where's the connection? Where's the connection? How about just sitting in communion and connection, and that is prayer. Prayer is not always about asking for something. Meditation is also about sitting in that communion and connection. So, literally, meditation, prayer the same thing when they're done properly, but if you sit in that communion, in that connection, you will begin connecting with yourself more and you will begin opening up these, these intuitive pathways to yourself, so that you can then ask those questions and say what does my spirit say? Because a lot of times when I ask someone that question and they're not used to connecting to themselves, they're like, well, I don't know how to tell because they're that disconnected.

Speaker 1:

Or could it be and we're going to cut right here and this is going to be a good segue, and into the next podcast too, because here's food for thought Could it be when you check in with yourself and you have that spiritual connection, the accountability is not on, is now on you, not on time, and so we could talk about that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think I was going to get into that, but that would have been. I'd like to get into that all day.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to get into that all day on the next segment. Thank you, and again we're going to cut right here and really have that. Have that, the accountability piece. So thank you, perch, and again check in to see the next episode where we get into more of the spiritual accountability. Until they take care.

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