Perch "The Thoughtful Pause Podcast"

Empowerment through Energy Work - Life Changing Conversations with Monica Bey pt 2

Tree & Toby Episode 29

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Monica's return to our podcast couldn't be more timely, as we find ourselves delving into the transformative realms of spirituality, self-help, and the compelling force of accountability. Her journey, marked by both professional accolades and personal revelations, demonstrates how seizing control of our narrative can indeed bend the arc of our lives. Engage in our candid discussion that challenges the common narrative of success and failure lying in the hands of fate, and instead, champions the belief in our own potent potential to craft the reality we envision through purposeful action and unwavering self-belief.

Shifting the lens to the internal landscape, we confront the art of detachment from the fruits of our actions, advocating for a life rich with experience over the fixation on outcomes. This episode unravels the ethical tapestries that psychics navigate and the value of authenticity in spiritual evolution. It's a personal voyage into understanding how staying true to oneself can be both an act of defiance and liberation. Listeners will find solace in the stories shared, where embracing one's unique energy signature carves out the space for personal growth, even in the face of societal pressures to conform.

Weaving in the threads of empowerment and healing, this dialogue with Monica illuminates the oft-overlooked reservoirs of strength within women, unlocking self-confidence through energy work and hypnosis. Discover how addressing deep-seated traumas can ignite profound changes across the spectrum of life, and learn the simple yet powerful techniques to activate the innate superpowers we all possess. Finally, we remind you to shine your light with gratitude, encouraging each listener to acknowledge their intrinsic value and become a beacon of positivity in their corner of the world. Join us for an episode that promises to uplift, inspire, and transform.

Let's all keep searching to expand our view!

Speaker 1:

So thank you all. That was such a great episode I can't even call it an episode. I was like that was a great class and insightful learning and I had a lot of things I've taken away from it and I wish I could talk to you for hours and hours and hours. But, monica, again, welcome back Our episode one. We talked about just trying to understand spirituality and how do we get to it, to even begin to do it in the work of getting clarity on what our spirit is showing us, telling us, and what's showing up in our lives. So we kind of left it at the end of just grazing the surface but saying I bought up. The point too, I wonder, is unconsciously. I think people struggle with accountability. I think it's easy, you know, because you know. It was often said. I remember growing up in a church. People would often say you know, I'm waiting on God, I'm waiting on God, I'm waiting on Jesus. Like, what are you waiting on?

Speaker 1:

You know, right, I was, like you know, about being accountable for, having accountability for who we are and how we show up in a world and making it actionable, even down to understanding our health and taking that in in our bodies. So from that, you were saying that you had a lot to say on accountability piece or the self-help journal.

Speaker 2:

Yes, because you have to be accountable towards yourself, and the problem with our society is we're so used to putting everything outside of ourselves, and I feel very, very strongly towards recognizing the divinity within yourself, recognizing your own ability to manifest your reality. And yes, we have universal forces, but guess what? We are that universal force as well. We are not separate, we are the same, and that energy flows through us, just like it flows through other people, and it flows through everything, and that is that all-encompassing, omnipresent energy. But it is within us, it's not outside of us, it's everything. And so when we start to recognize and really understand that, then we have to take accountability for our lives.

Speaker 2:

It's really easy to put it outside and say, well, god didn't do that for me, god didn't do that for me. And then when something and here's the problem you can put the blame outside of yourself, but you also put the winds outside of yourself. Oh, look at God, that just happened. Look at God. Okay, you can say that, but also look at you, look what you did. You took actions for that, and a lot of people forget to praise themselves.

Speaker 1:

So let's because so early in the first podcast we talked about you and your success journey from a corporate standpoint, and even that that's accountability. You came in and was like you know, I started here and then you were driven in each step of the way. You're accountable for the next level of your success. You took charge and you went from this to that and then, when it came down to health, you took accountability and an agency over your own body and say, okay, not that you didn't trust the doctors, but let me have agency. I'm saying all that to say to people who struggle to grasp any of this conversation, because sometimes when you start talking spirituality or healing, you lose people. But what I to the greater good I want to say it's all about accountability to thyself and agency over self, and that's in everything we do and how we show up. I think we are. Our first accountability partner is us, our own individual checking it Exactly.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And if you're not taking the actions and that's one of the things when it comes to any kind of manifestation or law of attraction or or prayer, or whatever it is that you do to put energy out there to try to create your reality you also have to take actions. You can do whatever you do, you can pray for a man, but guess what? If you're not going outside, he's probably not going to come knocking on your door. There's actions. There's actions you still have to take, and that part is the accountability. Now, once you've done everything that you can do, then you have to let it go, and just let it go to faith in terms of what's going to happen. But a lot of people put the faith before the action.

Speaker 1:

But you know, monica, some people will say this too. So with you, you know, here you are a woman of color in corporate America. So we already know the studies, the statistics about how much you know less you're going to make it, how hard are your path is going to be, but you still continue and persevere on, even though some of the odds were against you. And then you did the same thing. You know for your spiritual self and some would say, well, you just have that jump gene and I don't have that. You know, you just have that gene where you know you can go for it and you're a free spirit and that's why you're so successful at everything you do, as opposed to being accountable and say, well, we all have it, exactly.

Speaker 2:

There's, first of all, we're all even. We're all equal. Some of us have certain gifts. Some people can play basketball really well and some people cannot, but they but guess what? Everyone has the ability to learn. Everyone has the ability to be wherever they want to be if it's important enough to them. And if your, if your gifts and your skills and your dreams are important enough to you, then you need to look into what, what skills and characteristics about yourself you need to acquire in order to become the person who can achieve these things. Because my life wasn't easy. I didn't have everything handed to me at all. There's no gene for that. I just went after. I just went after my goals and some of it just happened, and I believe that was because that's that was already written, that was supposed to happen. But there are a lot of things that I had to really pull up my sleeves and work towards, and if you, if you don't do that, then a lot of times you're not going to get where you want to go.

Speaker 1:

Right and I think it's important.

Speaker 1:

I remember I was reading this a couple of months ago and about giftings, and this writer was saying how he wanted to be like the next Michael Jordan and he stayed up and I laced my shoes like him, I ran like him, I did the same dedication, but that wasn't what he was gifted at.

Speaker 1:

He had that desire, he had that will, but he didn't have the athleticism. But he goes. But then what I realized I was so passionate about this that I was sitting on a bench and seeing things that other people couldn't see. So he realized his gifting was not in being the athlete, it was being the coach and sitting on the side and observing, but because he kept himself accountable and kept going after he got clarity and I think that's important. You know, a lot of times people think we want to be gifted in certain areas and so we think, because we have the desire, that's our gifting and I know that accountability to say, well, when you're in these environments and when you're going after these things, what is again the spiritual check in? What are you realizing that you, he realized that he had an eye from that advantage, which is not on the court but on the sideline to see what others couldn't see.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, and to that I also want to make the point of. Sometimes people feel like, okay, I went in this direction and it didn't work out, and they feel like, okay, that was a failure. And I reject that, because a lot of times you will be on a path and you are guided towards it. You're like, well, I listened to my intuition. It told me to go down this path and ended up not working out. It didn't have the outcome you desired, but that didn't mean it didn't work out, because you gained something when you went on that path. Your spirit was leading you in the right direction. It's just you and your mind have an idea of where you thought that direction should go and that's not how it works.

Speaker 1:

I think Oprah gave the perfect example that I heard her in an interview and she was talking about Beloved because she was saying how it really took the wind out of herself because it got really trashed. And when she was like, I had such great attentions and I wanted to tell this story and people didn't get it and it didn't do well, I lost a lot of money and so I forgot. I think it was Deep Park's show where someone there she was talking to he was like well, what did you want to accomplish? She was like well, I want to. And she said that. And she said what she wanted to accomplish. She goes.

Speaker 1:

So what makes you think you didn't accomplish that? What makes you think were you going for box office success or that? Is that all she was like no, I wanted to engage and I wanted people. So what makes you think that the however many people that saw it $500,000 million, whatever it was wasn't engaged didn't feel? What makes you think that you didn't accomplish? Because you didn't get the results that you thought you should get from.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's a lot of why we quit in the middle of the race. Sometimes we give them so quick because we're not getting the results. So we want to see we're not just like even with this podcast I started and I was just crying to feel like I don't know what to do. But sometimes it was like I have to check in and say, trisha, what were you trying to accomplish? Did you go in here to be, or did you go in to have a message and a voice and have voices be heard that tip back Right. Yeah, so as long as you stay there and stay on a course and you realize you're not a failure, you are accomplishing what it is and things will manifest the way it was meant to be, as long as you don't stay off veer the course.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, I believe everything is exactly as it should be. Everything is always perfectly imperfect, and sometimes it's perfectly perfect. Perfectly imperfect, yeah, but there should be no regrets of anything that happens. And I don't even use the word failure when it relates to anything, because, yes, I've had some disappointments of things that didn't work out the way I wanted them to work out, but then, in hindsight, when you look back, you see why it had to happen that way.

Speaker 1:

We had it, and sometimes it was just yeah, I didn't mean to cut you off, because we had a podcast some months ago about the same thing and Toby and I I don't even say the word debate anymore. I say perch because to me when I say debate, it's I'm intentionally taking a position and not being open to seeing something a different way. So I don't debate anymore, I perch. But I was perching with him because he was saying about his son fail and I was like no, your son lost, he lost the game. There are winners and losers in a game.

Speaker 1:

In a sport, somebody wins by the score. And I was like but in life I don't believe in failure, I'm just like you. But in the same token, when we talked about divorce you know he talks about well, this was a failed marriage and that was failed and this was failed I was like well, why was it a failure? I was like was that your intention? What was your intention when you got married? So I was like did you not accomplish those things? You accomplished them in that season and that season end.

Speaker 1:

And I think that. So I'm with you with the way we look at failure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, everything is a season and when you this is just part of spiritual growth, and it doesn't matter what kind of religion you are, but this is just part of spiritual growth is learning to detach from outcomes because it's the attachment to the outcomes that creates our suffering.

Speaker 1:

Is that attack? I need to write that one down because that's true. It's the attachment to the outcome that creates our suffering.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So when we start to just be in flow and stop focusing on the outcome, and every time I have a client that's like I just started, or are you going to friend? I just started this relationship, how is it going to work out? I said I'm not going to tell you that because you know I'm psychic, so I think people call me all the time asking me questions. I'm like I'm just going to look into it and make sure that this is a safe person, but I'm not going to tell you how it worked, how it's going to work out, because it doesn't matter how it works out. What you get out of the relationship, it's the experience that matters. You're in it for an experience. Life is just a series of experiences, that's all it is. And when you start to look at it as an experience versus as something that needs to end in this particular way, then it shifts everything.

Speaker 1:

This is totally off topic, but I have to bring it up because it just popped in my head. When you said I'm psychic, I immediately started to clear my mind.

Speaker 2:

I know that's ridiculous. I know that's ridiculous. I get that all the time.

Speaker 1:

But I was going to say you got to get that all the time. But people are like nope, she's not going to know what I'm thinking, nope.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, you know what it is. So because I'm, like, extremely gifted in so many different areas and psychic is one of them, so, literally, if I'm standing next to someone and they're cheating on their wife, I will know about it, oh Lord. So what I do is yeah.

Speaker 1:

You don't get invited to the company picnic, some things much they keep you.

Speaker 2:

But what I do is I don't need to know all that information. So when I'm out in public and like crowds or parties or something like that, I will turn my gifts down because I've mastered them, so I have full control over them. So I turn my gifts down not off, but just down so that this way, if anything does pop through, it's only important things like something I actually need to know. So this way I can actually interact with people on a normal basis and not be all up in their business, because I will find out everything. I used to have this hairstyle that I would go to and this is before. I used to turn it down all the time. Every time she would go to do my hair, I would get all kinds of information, all the personal stuff that's happening in her life.

Speaker 2:

Next thing, you know, I'm seeing her the whole time. I'm like you're still with him, aren't you? Because I see what's going on. Oh my Lord. Yes.

Speaker 1:

It's funny you said that about turning and I never thought about it that way, as if that kind of gift you can turn down. The reason why that stuck with me? Because years and years ago I was in a room and it was a networking room with a bunch of women, a lot of them, majority of them, I did not know. And this lady and I never forget her she, I knew a little of her story. She was going through cancer and she was over in the corner and she was always kind of quiet and she said can I ask you a question? And I said sure, did not know, I should have prepared myself with the question she was going to ask me. She goes why do you do that? And I said what do I do what? Because I hadn't done anything. And she was like turn down your light.

Speaker 1:

And when she asked me that I looked at her strange at first and then I started sobbing like instantly because my spirit hit and I was like you know, I I told her I have to think about it. I said I don't know, but I knew what I immediately she said in that statement said something. One, to turn a light on in me. Two, I didn't recognize that I was doing it. But three, I understood what she was saying. Like coming into a room and trying to fit in, you know, trying not to be this big, happy bubbly, hey, and being told like I told like sucking up the energy. Are you looking for attention? I've had it all said to me when I only just entered a room. I've been told you like attention and I don't.

Speaker 1:

It's just that I am high energy and so when she said that, I didn't even realize that I had started to try not to be so noticeable, which meaning turning down my energy and you like, yeah, I was like I don't know, but I'm so glad she called that out of me and I was like, yeah, and you changed it right, absolutely Okay good and I'm like never dim your light.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I walk into a room and I own a room and I don't care what anybody thinks about it, because I am bubbly and I am very expressive and happy and a bright light. So when I do walk in a room it is noticed. But I don't usually get many people saying anything like that to me, but I used to.

Speaker 2:

The funny thing is I used to actually be very shy when I was younger, so the moniker that you see today is nowhere near what I used to be growing up. Maybe it's a Murgo thing same here. Yeah, I've gone on a whole journey to the point where I can't really tell, to the point where I can just fully be my authentic self, no matter where I am, and boldly myself.

Speaker 1:

But I think too, one thing I knew for sure for me I was never. I was never a shy kid, but I was like I wanted to be in a room and not in a room. At the same time I just wanted to be a sponge, and so I could grow up in a time where kids should be seen and not heard. So I was no equisitive, I'll say so. I just wanted to be there. So I kind of mastered how to be in a room and not be in a room. But when I got older I realized what it was, my spirit, still to this day, and I get in good trouble I'm gonna call it good trouble. My spirit won't allow me just to sit, even in corporate spaces, and be silent, and that's a good thing and a bad thing at times. But I was like no, I can't. That's the one you're not silent about.

Speaker 1:

Right, I was like yeah, I don't. And then, but because you are who you are, because you are Monica and because I'm a Tricia, you are called on, even when you know it's not with good intentions. Like so what do you think about that? You know, because sometimes they just want that combat or that energy, like well, I know I'm religious and Monica, what do you think about just that thing? Yeah, so it's interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I dispel all of that energy. And I'm just. You know, with your energy field you can diffuse energy like that really easily. Someone may toss you a ball with negative intent and you turn that ball into you know, beautiful prosperity ball.

Speaker 1:

So how would you suggest? Because I work in a Ben corporate America and I have I've really tried especially, I can honestly say, the last five years to help women specifically turn up their light. And I notice and I want to get your feedback on this I notice that I get a lot of pushback because they think, oh, you're just, you know, being kind or you're just being, you know, a good friend or whatever it is. And so when I speak life and I'm being honest, I'm like I wouldn't say it if I didn't see it in you. I don't say it, and it's so hard for women to see their strength and their power Right, and how do you, with your spiritual gifts, help them turn up their light?

Speaker 2:

Literally one of the gifts that I have is turning on people's light, so I can literally do that in two seconds. Such for someone In two seconds.

Speaker 2:

Okay, in seconds, so just tap in and turn it up. Also, the ability to increase people's self-confidence all through energy work Very quickly. People notice a difference that like within minutes removing the things that are. You know, the thing is when people are afraid of turning up their light, a lot of times there's multiple things going on, but a lot of times it is rooted in a lack of self-confidence, and so you have to find what that, because self-confidence is the root, but it's not the real root.

Speaker 2:

What's created that self-confidence? That's the root and what created that lack of self-confidence? That's the actual root and that's gonna be some kind of trauma from childhood or early childhood that they still hadn't healed from. So I can then go in and use my healing ability Again, because I have healed my had to heal myself and I've healed thousands of thousands of people since then I can heal the results are like instant at this point.

Speaker 2:

So when I go in and discover what that is because with my psychic ability I can go inside of someone and literally see the energies that they're holding onto the people that are involved, what happened and I explain all this to my clients and they're like oh my God, I can't believe you picked up on that.

Speaker 2:

I haven't told anyone that story when I was four years old. Blah, blah, blah. And I'll say this is the root of all your problems, because usually it's one thing that happened when someone was a child that then becomes the platform and the foundation that everything else is built on, and so there's usually one thing that becomes the catalyst to all of their other problems, and when you remove that one thing, then the other problems start to slowly fix themselves, and then you can also go in and actually counteract that by infusing people with more confidence. I also use hypnosis to help people increase their confidence, especially women in the workplace, because we already know especially a woman of color in the workplace, we already know there are so many microaggressions. There are so many things.

Speaker 2:

No, no, they're not.

Speaker 1:

That's a myth.

Speaker 2:

There's so many things that and that's not everyone's experience. There are things that you have to deal with and you're like, oh my God, this person's irking me, driving me crazy, and so teaching them also how to create energetic boundaries, because we have I mean, there's so much control that we have over our energy and what goes on around us and we don't even realize that because, again, these things are not taught. But that's why I also teach them in my university, but teaching women how to and men too how to create energetic boundaries that will diffuse negative energy.

Speaker 1:

So, if someone's in a room I'm signing up for that class because if I could diffuse some of the nonsense and the shenanigans that yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it's fast when you do it, when you do it like I have. Whenever I teach people and they do something for the first time, they're always surprised at how easy it is, because I break things down to be very, very. It doesn't have. You know, a lot of these, a lot of people, and this is one of the reasons why people have these perceptions of, oh my God, this is some kind of weird stuff going on, or woo, woo and all this other stuff. But the reality is not. None of this stuff has to be shrouded in mystery. None of this stuff has to be like oh my God, only these people have this power, only these people have this power.

Speaker 1:

We all have superpowers. Well, monica, I can say I'm really envious, but for me to be around women and speaking to women and empowering women and not being able to turn to light, you say, girl, give me two seconds. I got it and I'm like, what kind of? And I'm like, I'm just like girl. I'm like you are clean, you are powerful. You are sorry too. I mean not just for the sake of being hyperbolic, literally looking at giftings and calling out. I'm like when you did this, this is not normal. You are bumming beyond, like.

Speaker 1:

I mean being really detailed and specific and they think oh, you're just so sweet, you're such a friend. I'm like no, I'm not trying to be a friend, I am speaking truth to power and I'm trying to do whatever I can to get you to see yourself in a light that you truly are, and not in this light of, in this darkness. I need to see yourself in a light.

Speaker 2:

False vision of themselves that they get. So here's a problem, though, with speaking to people, because you're conscious mind and this is one of the reasons why I became a hypnotist is because I can tell you you're beautiful all day. I can tell you you're amazing all day. Your conscious mind has a filter and it'll be like nope, nope, I don't wanna believe it. Nope, nope, it'll make up all these excuses. You're just saying that because you're being nice. Oh, you have to say that You're my husband, or?

Speaker 2:

you have to you know, like there's all these reasons why we can tell ourselves no, this is not true. But if I have you under hypnosis and I tell you you're beautiful, I tell you you're strong, I tell you you're confident, I tell you that nothing can stop you, you're gonna come out of that hypnotist like with a capon. Because because your subconscious mind doesn't have the filter that your conscious mind does Whatever you put into it, it accepts it and then it actually acts that out in your life.

Speaker 1:

And specifically when it comes down to women, because the study and the research shows, even in a corporate setting, when you give a woman credit in a corporate setting, she finds a way, nine times out of 10, to turn around and compliment her male counterpart. It was like oh you know, monica, you were awesome, that project you did. It was phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know what you don't feel you know, was over there behind the scenes working a camera, so it's like natural. So, with that being said, though, it is because I appreciate the fact that you do work for everyone, but specifically for women. It's something about us that we, even when, like you said, not in words, even in deeds when you show that they're actions and you try to give them a flowers and shine the light on them, that they feel the immediate need to turn around and give that to a man. So, saying that, and you're doing the work and you're pulling back those layers and those bills, to me it makes sense why you have to go to that level to get them to connect, because, talking, they're just gonna turn around and give the credit to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's because of people feel and this is very common, especially with women very uncomfortable receiving compliments, and but the root of that is their lack of self-worth within themselves. So because if you don't have a lack of self-worth, there's no reason why you should feel uncomfortable receiving a compliment. You're uncomfortable receiving a compliment because a part of your conscious mind is saying no, that's not me. Oh, let me push that off to the side, because I don't really deserve that type of accolade, or I don't believe that that accolade belongs to me, because I don't wanna acknowledge my own gifts, I don't wanna acknowledge my own greatness, and that's a deeper issue. And hypnosis just works brilliantly and quickly. That's the beauty of it is it works so quickly it's literally a brain hack.

Speaker 1:

It works so quickly. It's amazing. And, monica, we are coming to the end and before we wrap up, I want you to make sure you get out all of. Where can people find you and meet you? What's your preferred method? But before I get that, I want to end on this note it's something you just stated, my uncle.

Speaker 1:

When it comes down to receiving positive information or receiving praise, my uncle, I can change my life, because that was me. I was taught and raised that you're just to be a good person, to be a good Christian, that I just had to give, give, give, give. But the lesson that he taught me and he goes Trisha, you have to be a good receiver. It's a blessing to be a great receiver. So, in a simplest form, if we can just take that, it'd be a grateful, a great receiver and a gracious receiver. And so, once I got that lesson, I can take compliments. I can take any, because I have to, because people are trying to bless you with gifts, even if they give it's praise, even if they give it's saying how beautiful you are or whatever it is that they want that they are trying to give you. And we need to learn how to graciously receive, because then you're blocking someone else's blessing in their process too. So it's something that simple is learn the gratitude and the graciousness behind being a good receiver, and that's a positivity as well.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and one thing I just want to add to that is I tell people to keep a gratitude journal, and it's not just about I'm grateful that the sun came out today, I'm grateful that the moon is out, because those are not really things that we can actually attach ourselves to, to be like okay, yes, this is really a reason to be grateful today.

Speaker 2:

It is a reason, but it's not something that the average human being can just like. Yes, so what I tell people to do with their gratitude journal is write down things that you yourself have accomplished through life, things that you small it could be big or small things that you didn't think that you were going to get through a situation at work, that you didn't know how you were going to meet this deadline, you didn't know how you were going to get past this problem with whatever's happening in your marriage or your with your children or whatever, but you conquered and you persevered. Those are things that should go into your gratitude journal, and then, every day, you should flip back in the book and read one of those entries to remind yourself of your power.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and I will also say this too, and receive it. Let go of the why, because a lot of times, as women, we're gonna well. Why did you say that? You know? Why did you compliment me? Why am I beautiful? And I didn't even you know, I didn't even do my hair today. I didn't even just let go of the why. You're receiving compliments or gifts that show our interest, with the spirit of God. Thank you, I appreciate that. That's it. Just receive, be a gracious receiver. And again, monica, thank you again. And so I want to make sure that people reach you, connect with you. I need to get with you on a personal level because there's some things we need to talk about that came up for me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But so how should we, how can we get in contact with you?

Speaker 2:

So right now, as far as one-on-one services, I have a long waiting list, but you can go to Monica Bay.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, you're both busy so you can go to Monica Baycom Bay is spelled B-E-Y, so Monica Baycom If you want to work with me one-on-one and get on my actual waiting list, or you cannot wait and go to mysticuniversitynet and get the all access pass. Mystic University is where I teach people all of these things. I teach metaphysics, I teach spiritual evolution, spiritual growth, personal growth, business growth, everything, because I have a whole, I have a whole bunch of skills and I love to and tons of knowledge in here and I love to give that to people. I teach people how to heal themselves. I teach people how to work with their energy. I teach people and empower people on how to set boundaries energetic and verbal boundaries and all of those things.

Speaker 2:

Basically, my goal is to get people more tuned into themselves spiritually, empower them to direct and be in the driver's seat of their life, but also to tap into their power, discover their spiritual gifts and really be the person that they're meant to be in this world and to live a better life. Because, like I said, duality we are spiritual beings but we can't be all up in the clouds all the time. We have real lives to live. We have real bills to pay.

Speaker 2:

We have real children to raise. So, yeah, and so it's about being spiritual, but also being physical and allowing those two to coexist in great balance, though, and so that's what it's all about. So that's at mysticuniversitynet. If you join the all access pass, I have over 30 on-demand courses, plus I do an extra four or five online new live online classes every month. We have a healing circle every month, where I go and I heal everybody in mass, and again, it doesn't take me long. Everybody can feel it. It's also a beautiful community, a beautiful community of supportive and like-minded people, and literally, they do support each other. I also have a I'm going to, I'm going to everything, but I also have a monthly intuition ignition circle, and the point of that is to help people practice trusting their intuition, practice using their intuition in different ways. It's a muscle that needs to be worked Absolutely, and so all of that.

Speaker 1:

Well, again, I thank you, and for our Purge family, I thank you for joining us with this episode, but I wanted to call out a few takeaways. I hope we all learn how to be better receivers and receive with grace, would be gracious in receiving and with gratitude, because we are worthy. And for those of us who have light has started to dim or we don't even know how to tap into our light, let's be focused and intentional about finding our light and making sure our light is illuminated, because we all need it and we all take up space in this world, so we should be making the best out of the space that we take up. Till we meet again, and thank you guys, have an amazing day, take care.

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